PUBLISHED: 05/01/2024
UPDATED: 05/01/2024


Know everything about Sagcy: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who Sagcy?

Georgina Romero better known on social media as Sagcy is an influencer, content creator and urban artist from Venezuelan nationality. currently have 21 years old. was born on January 27, 2003 in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.


He began his activities as a public figure on the Internet in 2020 con su primer sencillo «Bad«. A sus 17 años, se destacó como una promesa en la música venezolana, logrando posiciones destacadas en listados nacionales y plataformas digitales. Su segundo sencillo, «If it occurs«, incluyó un videoclip filmado en orlando, Florida, showing a more daring style and telling the story of a girl looking to be with someone in a relationship.

Después del éxito de «If it occurs«, Sagcy launched the challenge #SiSeDaChallenge, en el cual más de 50 cantantes novatos participaron. Tres talentos ganaron y colaboraron en el remix de «If it occurs«. Siguiendo con su éxito, lanzó «Dancing«, su canción más reproducida hasta la fecha.

Otros sencillos incluyen «You went«, una balada romántica, y «violent kiss«, ambos con videoclips y manteniendo un ritmo fresco en el reggaetón. Sagcy lanzó «Heartbeats«, una canción significativa inspirada por su experiencia en el hospital tras una operación. Este tema, con un videoclip dirigido por Jack Nine Films, stood out on Venezuelan radio billboards.

In 2021, Sagcy lanzó «Alone«, mostrando su crecimiento musical y consolidándose como «La baby de la nueva generación» del género urbano. A pesar de estar radicada en Orlando desde 2016, Sagcy has contributed to the Venezuelan music scene with challenges and contests to give opportunities to new talents. His career has included performances at major events in Orlando, sharing the stage with artists such as Lenny Tavarez, Jhay Cortez, Jowell and Randy, and Alexis & Fido.

About Sagcy

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Georgina Romero
  • Alias: Sagcy
  • Place of birth: Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela
  • Birthday: 261 days left
  • Current age: 21 years
  • Birthdate: 27 January 2003
  • astronomical sign: Aquarium
  • ethnicity: Latin American
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Singer, Influencer, TikToker
  • Activity time: 4 years (2020-present)

Physical appearance

  • Stature (height): 1.58m (5′1″)
  • Weight: 50kg (110lb)
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair color: dark brown
  • Skin color: White

Social networks

The official accounts of Sagcy are:


Videos of Sagcy

These are some of his most popular videos on TikTok.


Music of Sagcy

These are his most notable songs in Youtube.

This is your profile Spotify with their most relevant songs on the platform.

Photos of Sagcy

These are some of his most notable photographs in instagram.


Frequent questions

What is the real name of Sagcy?

Georgina Romero

How old are you Sagcy?

Sagcy has 21 years old.

What is the date of birth of Sagcy?

Sagcy was born on January 27, 2003.

When is the birthday of Sagcy?

261 days left for the birthday of Sagcy.

What is the zodiac sign of Sagcy?

His zodiac sign is Aquarium.

How tall are you Sagcy?

Sagcy measure 1.58m (5′1″) of height.

how much does it weigh Sagcy?

Sagcy weight 50kg (110lb).

Where it is Sagcy?

Sagcy born in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.

The OnlyFans of Sagcy

According to our searches Sagcy does not have an account onlyfans o alternativas similares.

The NudePack of Sagcy

According to our investigations Sagcy does not have this type of material available.

Related with Sagcy

Common theme: Singer.