PUBLISHED: 18/08/2023
UPDATED: 18/08/2023

Daksha Nagarkar

Know everything about Daksha Nagarkar: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar She is a renowned actress and model. Indian nationality. currently has 33 years old. was born on July 17 1990 in a city known as the heart of the film industry bollywood. Bombay, Maharashtra, India.


He began his activities as a public figure in 2008. She is known for her role in Ravanasura (2023), Zombie Reddy2021) and Hori Time (2015).

About Daksha Nagarkar

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

Physical appearance

  • Height: 1.7m (5′5″)
  • Weight: 60kg (132lb)
  • Eye color: Dark brown
  • Hair color: dark brown
  • Skin color: brunette white

Social networks

The official accounts of Daksha Nagarkar are:

Last update: 08-18-2023

Videos of Daksha Nagarkar

These are some of his most popular videos on Youtube.

Photos of Daksha Nagarkar

These are some of his most recent photographs.


Frequent questions

What is the real name of Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar

How old are you Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar has 33 years old.

What is the date of birth of Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar was born on July 17, 1990.

When is the birthday of Daksha Nagarkar?

60 days left for the birthday of Daksha Nagarkar.

What is the zodiac sign of Daksha Nagarkar?

His zodiac sign is Cancer.

how tall are you Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar measure 1.7m (5′5″) of height.

how much does it weigh Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar weight 60kg (132lb).

What are the measures of Daksha Nagarkar?

The body measurements of Daksha Nagarkar are 81-71-86cm

Where it is Daksha Nagarkar?

Daksha Nagarkar born in Bombay, Maharashtra, India.

The OnlyFans of Daksha Nagarkar

According to our searches Daksha Nagarkar does not have an account onlyfans o alternativas similares.

The NudePack of Daksha Nagarkar

According to our investigations Daksha Nagarkar does not have this type of material available.