
Trini Neira

Know everything about Trini Neira: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who Trini Neira?

Trinidad Neira Diaz better known on social networks and television as Trini Neira or simply Trini, is an influencer of Chilean nationality. was born on November 23, 2001 in Santiago, Chili.

Trini Neira has 23 years old. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius and in turn Snake in the Chinese horoscope. There are 253 days left until his 24th birthday.


He began his activities as a public figure in 2020, the year he began posting on his official accounts TikTok and instagram.

She is known for being the eldest daughter of the television presenter Pamela Diaz and the former footballer Manuel Neira.

From an early age, Trini has shown interest in music. At the age of 18, he traveled to Boston, USA, to study singing. Later, in 2021, moved to Spain to delve into costume design and other artistic disciplines.

In 2023, launched his musical career with the song "Don't wait any longer«, in collaboration with his partner, Bastian Munoz, known artistically as "Bimza«. Bimza is the son of "Kanela«, vocalist of the cumbia group «Halloween«.

In addition to music, Trini She is a well-known influencer on social media, where she shares aspects of her daily life and collaborations with various brands.

As for his personal life, he maintains a close relationship with his mother, Pamela Diaz, with whom he shares moments and activities. He is also a fan of Colo-Colo, influenced by her father, and has expressed her passion for football since she was a child.

About Trini Neira

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Trinidad Neira Diaz
  • Alias: Trini Neira
  • Place of birth: Santiago, Chile
  • Birthday: 253 days left
  • Current age: 23 years
  • Birthdate: November 23 2001
  • astronomical sign: Sagittarius
  • Origin: Latin America
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Influencer
  • Activity time: 5 years (2020-present)

Physical appearance

  • Stature (height): 1.6m (5′2″)
  • Weight: 53kg (116lb)
  • Eye color: Light brown
  • Hair color: Chestnut
  • Skin color: Brunette

Social networks

The official accounts of Trini Neira are:


Videos of Trini Neira

These are some of his most popular videos on TikTok.


Photos of Trini Neira

These are some of his most notable photographs in instagram.


Frequent questions

What is the real name of Trini Neira?

Trinidad Neira Diaz

How old are you Trini Neira?

Trini Neira has 23 years old.

What is the date of birth of Trini Neira?

Trini Neira was born on November 23, 2001.

When is the birthday of Trini Neira?

253 days left for the birthday of Trini Neira.

What is the zodiac sign of Trini Neira?

His zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

How tall are you Trini Neira?

Trini Neira measure 1.6m (5′2″) of height.

how much does it weigh Trini Neira?

Trini Neira weight 53kg (116lb).

Where it is Trini Neira?

Trini Neira born in Santiago, Chile.

The OnlyFans of Trini Neira

According to our searches Trini Neira does not have an account onlyfans or similar alternatives.

The NudePack of Trini Neira

According to our investigations Trini Neira does not have this type of material available.

Related with Trini Neira

Common theme: Influencer.