Know everything about Saturn UwUr: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.
Who is Saturn UwUr?
Isabel Rodriguez better known as Saturn UwUr is a video game streamer Mexican nationality, has 26 years old. was born on November 13, 1998 in the city of Monterey, Mexico.
Currently he is mostly dedicated to streaming games of League of Legends, Fortnite and Valorant on the purple transmission platform twitch. She started her activities as a gamer girl in 2018 (6 years ago).
Personal data of Saturn UwUr
- Real name: Isabel Rodriguez
- Alias: Saturn UwUr
- Place of birth: Monterrey Mexico
- Birthday: November 13, 1998
- Current age: 26 years
- astronomical sign: Scorpio
- Origin: latin
- Favorite color: Black and Pink
- Favorite food: Sushi
- Favorite music: Band
- He is a colleague of LilithKat
Physical appearance of Saturn UwUr
- Height: 1.58m (5′1″)
- Tattoos: 23
- Eye color: Coffee
- Hair color: Coffee
- Skin color: White
Social networks
The official accounts of Saturn UwUr are:
Photo gallery
Frequent questions
What is the real name of Saturn UwUr?
Isabel Rodriguez
How old are you Saturn UwUr?
Saturn UwUr has 26 years old.
What is the date of birth of Saturn UwUr?
Saturn UwUr was born on November 13, 1998.
When is the birthday of Saturn UwUr?
262 days left for the birthday of Saturn UwUr.
What is the zodiac sign of Saturn UwUr?
His zodiac sign is Scorpio.
How tall are you Saturn UwUr?
Saturn UwUr measure 1.58m (5′1″) Tall.
Where it is Saturn UwUr?
Saturn UwUr born in Monterey, Mexico.
The OnlyFans of Saturn UwUr
According to our searches Saturn UwUr if you have an account onlyfans or similar active alternatives.
The NudePack of Saturn UwUr
According to our investigations Saturn UwUr if you have this type of material circulating on the internet.