
Nicki Nicole

Know everything about Nicki Nicole: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who Nicki Nicole?

Nicki Nicole She is a singer, rapper and songwriter Argentina born in rosary beads, Argentina, October 10, 2000. Your real name is Nicole Denise Cucco and began his musical career by uploading videos to the platform Youtube. In 2019, released her first single, “Wapo Traketero,” which became a viral hit and brought her fame in Argentina and other Spanish-speaking countries.

Since then, Nicki Nicole has released several hits such as “Años Luz,” “Colocao,” “Mala Vida,” and “No Toque Mi Naik.” She has also collaborated with other artists such as Bizarrap, Duki, Trueno, and Cazzu. Her musical style combines trap, reggaeton, and pop and has been praised for her honest lyrics and empowering attitude. 2020, was nominated for the Latin Grammy Awards in the category of Best New Artist.

About Nicki Nicole

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Nicole Denise Cucco
  • Alias: Nicki Nicole
  • Place of birth: Rosario, Argentina
  • Birthday: 217 days left
  • Current age: 24 years
  • Birthdate: October 10 2000
  • astronomical sign: Pound
  • Origin: Latin American
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Singer
  • Activity time: 6 years (2019-present)

Physical appearance

  • Height: 1.45m (4′7″)
  • Weight: 41kg (90lbs)
  • Eye color: Green
  • Hair color: dark brown
  • Skin color: White

Social networks

The official accounts of Nicki Nicole are:

Last update: 03-04-2023

Music of Nicki Nicole

These are his best hits in Spotify.

Videos of Nicki Nicole

These are some of his most popular videos on Youtube.

Photos of Nicki Nicole

These are some of his most recent photographs.

Frequent questions

What is the real name of Nicki Nicole?

Nicole Denise Cucco

How old are you Nicki Nicole?

Nicki Nicole has 24 years old.

What is the date of birth of Nicki Nicole?

Nicki Nicole was born on October 10, 2000.

When is the birthday of Nicki Nicole?

217 days left for the birthday of Nicki Nicole.

What is the zodiac sign of Nicki Nicole?

His zodiac sign is Pound.

how tall are you Nicki Nicole?

Nicki Nicole measure 1.45m (4′7″) of height.

how much does it weigh Nicki Nicole?

Nicki Nicole weight 41kg (90lbs).

Where it is Nicki Nicole?

Nicki Nicole born in rosary beads, Argentina.

The OnlyFans of Nicki Nicole

According to our searches Nicki Nicole does not have an account onlyfans or similar alternatives.

The NudePack of Nicki Nicole

According to our investigations Nicki Nicole does not have this type of material available.