
Neringa Kriziute

Know everything about Neringa Kriziute: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, photos, videos and more.

Who Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Križiūtė also known on social media as Neringa Kriziute, is a star instagram, influencer, curvy model and actress Lithuanian nationality. currently has 35 years old. was born on March 15, 1989 in the city of Kaunas, Lithuania.


He began his activities as a public figure on the Internet in 2018, the year in which he began to publish his first photographs on the social network Instagram, which until mid- 2022 It has been its main social network with more than 4 million followers.

It is famous for its great beauty and sculptural natural figure 100%, so it assures Neringa. She is also a great painter, she has an account of instagram with his artistic works. In 2018 His paintings were exhibited in the art gallery «Galerija Meno Parkas art gallery and Vilnius Art Center" in Meno Parkas Art gallery of Kaunas.

About Neringa Kriziute

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Neringa Križiūtė
  • Alias: Neringa Kriziute
  • Place of birth: Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Birthday: 20 days left
  • Current age: 35 years
  • Birthdate: March 15 1989
  • astronomical sign: Pisces
  • Origin: European
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Actress, Influencer, Model
  • Activity time: 7 years (2018-present)

Physical appearance

  • Weight: 59kg (130lb)
  • Eye color: Blues
  • Hair color: Chestnut
  • Skin color: White

Body measurements

  • Height: 1.67m (5′4″)
  • Bust: 91cm
  • Waist: 69cm
  • Hip: 94cm

Social networks

The official accounts of Neringa Kriziute are:

instagram (major)5.3M
instagram (secondary)106K

Videos of Neringa Kriziute

These are some of his most popular videos on Youtube.

Photos of Neringa Kriziute

These are some of his most recent photographs.


Frequent questions

What is the real name of Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Križiūtė

How old are you Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Kriziute has 35 years old.

What is the date of birth of Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Kriziute was born on March 15, 1989.

When is the birthday of Neringa Kriziute?

20 days left for the birthday of Neringa Kriziute.

What is the zodiac sign of Neringa Kriziute?

His zodiac sign is Pisces.

how tall are you Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Kriziute measure 1.67m (5′4″) of height.

What are the measures of Neringa Kriziute?

The body measurements of Neringa Kriziute are 91-69-94cm

how much does it weigh Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Kriziute weight 59kg (130lb).

Where it is Neringa Kriziute?

Neringa Kriziute born in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Related with Neringa Kriziute

Common theme: Curvy Model.