
Meriyou Renna

Know everything about Meriyou Renna: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who Meriyou Renna?

Meriyou Renna She is a renowned social media influencer. Venezuelan nationality. currently has 29 years old. was born on November 13, 1995 in Venezuela.

He began his activities as a public figure in 2003 on television, which was his first appearance before the public on a children's program.

It is dedicated to television communication and the creation of digital content on its official social networks, where it has millions of followers.

About Meriyou Renna

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Meriyou Renna
  • Alias: Meriyou Renna, meriyourenna
  • Place of birth: Venezuela
  • Place of residence: Orlando, Florida, USA
  • Birthday: 325 days left
  • Birthdate: November 13, 1995
  • Current age: 29 years
  • astronomical sign: Scorpio
  • ethnicity: latin
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Communicator, Influencer, Model, Singer
  • Studies: Social communication, Marketing
  • Active time: 21 years (2003-present)

Physical appearance

  • Height: 1.70m
  • Eye color: Browns
  • Hair color: dark brown
  • Skin color: brunette white

Social networks

The official accounts of Meriyou Renna are:

instagram3.3 million
TikTok1.3 million
Facebook1.1 million
Twitter54 thousand
Last update: 02-16-2022

Videos of Meriyou Renna

These are some of his most popular videos on Youtube.


Photos of Meriyou Renna

These are some of his most recent photographs.