
Ignacia Antonia

Know everything about Ignacia Antonia: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who is Ignacia Antonia?

His full name is Ignacia Antonia Hernández Riquelme better known on social networks as Ignacia Antonia (their real names), is a star influencer of TikTok and dancer Chilean nationality, currently has 23 years old. was born on September 7, 2001 in the city of Santiago, Chili.


Ignacia He began his career as a TikToker and later an influencer ago. 9 years in the video app TikTok (previously called Musical.ly), where she became the most famous Chilean on the Chinese social network. At the end of 2021 added more than 40 million followers between his official social networks.

He currently dedicates himself to acting in addition to his social networks. In 2021 moved to Mexico to debut as an actress in the television series "What's wrong with my family?» and later to «Be or Appear" of Televisa.

About Ignacia Antonia

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Ignacia Antonia Hernández Riquelme
  • Alias: Ignacia Antonia
  • Place of birth: Santiago, Chile
  • Place of residence: Mexico
  • Birthday: September 7, 2001
  • Current age: 23 years
  • astronomical sign: Virgo
  • Origin: latin
  • Active time: 9 years (2015-present)

Physical appearance

  • Height: 1.67m
  • Tattoos: Yeah
  • Eye color: Cafes
  • Hair color: Chestnut
  • Skin color: brunette white

Social networks

The official accounts of Ignacia Antonia are:

TikTok26.6 million
instagram8.9 million
Youtube3.5 million
Last update: 05-01-2022

Videos of Ignacia Antonia

Photos of Ignacia Antonia