
Geral G

Meet Geral G a different streamer, who enchants with her personality and interesting mystery stories while playing video games.

Who is Geral G?

His full name is Geraldine Lugo Cardozo better known as Geral G, is a streamer and gamer girl from Colombian nationality of 27 years old. was born on April 4 1997 in the city of Bogota, Colombia.

It is dedicated to broadcasting video games in FacebookGaming does 4 years). Specifically, it made its first transmission on August 17, 2020 playing FreeFire.

Personal information

  • Real name: Geraldine Lugo Cardozo
  • Place of birth: Bogota Colombia
  • Birthday: April 4, 1997
  • Current age: 27 years
  • astronomical sign: Aries

Physical appearance

  • Height: 1.60m
  • Eye color: Coffee
  • Hair color: Coffee
  • Skin color: White

Social networks

Their official accounts are:

Facebookgeraloff112 thousand
instagramgeraloff9 thousand
Last update: 12/30/2021

Photo gallery