
Flor Alvarez

Know everything about Flor Alvarez: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who Flor Alvarez?

Florencia Alvarez better known on social media as Flor Alvarez she is a talented singer Argentina Nationality. was born on September 10th 2003 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Flor Alvarez has 21 years old. His zodiac sign is Virgo and in turn Goat in the Chinese horoscope. There are 186 days left until his 22nd birthday.


About Flor Alvarez

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Florencia Alvarez
  • Alias: Flor Alvarez, @flor.alvarezoficial
  • Place of birth: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Origin: Latin American
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Singer
  • Activity time: 3 years (2022-present)

Flor Alvarez, a talented young woman of Argentine origin, has conquered the music scene with her unique voice and inspiring life story. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Florence faced challenges from an early age. However, her passion for music and her indomitable spirit led her to overcome all the adversities that stood in her way.

The rise of Flor Alvarez In the world of music it was not conventional. Before achieving fame, he worked in a bakery and hamburger restaurant in Liniers, where he found a living. However, her destiny took an unexpected turn when a chance encounter with a client led her to discover her true calling.

A man dressed as a gaucho and armed with a guitar heard her singing while she prepared food. Impressed by his talent, he offered him the opportunity to show his music in the undergrounds of Buenos Aires. This is how Flor began her journey into the world of street music, under the sponsorship of a legendary figure known as The Turk.

Flor Alvarez He found a stage on social networks to share his art with the world. Over time, his videos went viral on platforms like TikTok and instagram, accumulating millions of followers eager to listen to their unique music and learn about their inspiring story.

Through your channel Youtube, Flor has reached an even wider audience, with videos that have been viewed millions of times. His ability to connect with audiences through social media has been instrumental in his meteoric rise in the music scene.

The life of Flor Alvarez It is marked by adversity and overcoming. After suffering abandonment from her biological family and going through the children's home system, Flor found an escape and a source of hope in music.

Despite having experienced the streets and homelessness, Flor never lost sight of her dream of succeeding as a singer. Her unwavering determination and passion for music have led her to reach unimaginable heights, making her an example of perseverance and resilience for millions of people around the world.

Today, Flor Alvarez She is not only a talented rising singer, but also a symbol of inspiration for those striving to achieve their dreams. His story reminds us that sometimes the biggest stars emerge from the darkest places, and that true greatness lies in the ability to overcome difficulties with grace and determination.

Through her music and life story, Flor continues to inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter what obstacles may arise along the way. With every note you sing and every word you share, Flor Alvarez leaves an indelible mark in the world of music and in the hearts of those who listen to it.

Physical appearance

  • Stature (height): 1.6m (5′2″)
  • Eye color: Grays
  • Hair color: dark brown
  • Skin color: White

Social networks

The official accounts of Flor Alvarez are:


Videos of Flor Alvarez

These are some of his most popular videos on Youtube.

Songs of Flor Alvarez

This is his list of songs from his official account Spotify.

Photos of Flor Alvarez

These are some of his most notable photographs in instagram.


Frequent questions

What is the real name of Flor Alvarez?

Florencia Alvarez

How old are you Flor Alvarez?

Flor Alvarez has 21 years old.

What is the date of birth of Flor Alvarez?

Flor Alvarez was born on September 10, 2003.

When is the birthday of Flor Alvarez?

186 days left for the birthday of Flor Alvarez.

What is the zodiac sign of Flor Alvarez?

His zodiac sign is Virgo.

How tall are you Flor Alvarez?

Flor Alvarez measure 1.6m (5′2″) of height.

Does Flor Álvarez have siblings?

Yeah, Flower He has 3 younger brothers.

Where it is Flor Alvarez?

Flor Alvarez born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The OnlyFans of Flor Alvarez

According to our searches Flor Alvarez does not have an account onlyfans or similar alternatives.

The NudePack of Flor Alvarez

According to our investigations Flor Alvarez does not have this type of material available.

Related with Flor Alvarez

Common theme: Singer.