
QLS Reviews

Know everything about QLS Reviews: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.

Who QLS Reviews?

Cesar Eduardo Huispe Zuniga better known on social networks as QLS Reviews Or simply Cesarito, is a prominent influencer, translator, streamer and youtuber in the film, video game and book industry. Chilean nationality. was born on September 5th 1987 in Fifth Normal, Santiago, Chili.

QLS Reviews has 37 years old. His zodiac sign is Virgo and in turn Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope. There are 179 days left until his 38th birthday.


He began his activities as a public figure in 2014, year in which he began publishing on his official account YoutubeThe channel has been noted for offering humorous and often scathing reviews and critiques of various films, television series, video games and other cultural products. The content is characterized by its direct language and light-hearted style, which has attracted a wide audience across the country. Chili and other Spanish-speaking countries.

In addition to his channel Youtube, Cesarito has ventured into the world of podcasts. One of his most notable projects in this field is "Patriarchally Speaking", a comedy podcast that was published weekly and has a rating of 4.8 out of 5 on Apple PodcastsThe program addressed various current affairs and popular culture topics from a humorous perspective.

Another podcast he participated in is «What Wea?", which features conversations between an American living in Chili and a Chilean who lived in USA, exploring cultural differences and personal experiences. This podcast also falls into the comedy genre and has been well received by the audience.

Throughout his career, Cesarito has been involved in various controversies due to his direct and sometimes controversial criticisms. For example, in January 2023, was at the center of a controversy after publishing a video in which he criticized the book "Body without shame» from the influencer Anto Larrain, which sparked a debate on social media.

Despite the controversies, "QLS Reviews» has maintained a loyal fan base and has influenced the conversation about popular culture in Chili. The unique approach and distinctive style of Cesarito They have consolidated their position as an influential voice in the Chilean digital landscape.

About QLS Reviews

These are some of your most relevant personal data.

  • Real name: Cesar Eduardo Huispe Zuniga
  • Alias: QLS Reviews, Cesarito
  • Place of birth: Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile
  • Birthday: 179 days left
  • Current age: 37 years
  • Birthdate: 05 September 1987
  • astronomical sign: Virgo
  • Origin: Latin America
  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Influencer
  • Activity time: 11 years (2014-present)

Physical appearance

  • Stature (height): 1.8m (5′9″)
  • Eye color: Browns
  • Hair color: dark brown
  • Skin color: Brunette

Social networks

The official accounts of QLS Reviews are:


Videos of QLS Reviews

These are some of his most popular videos on TikTok.


Photos of QLS Reviews

These are some of his most notable photographs in instagram.


Frequent questions

What is the real name of QLS Reviews?

Cesar Eduardo Huispe Zuniga

How old are you QLS Reviews?

QLS Reviews has 37 years old.

What is the date of birth of QLS Reviews?

QLS Reviews was born on September 5, 1987.

When is the birthday of QLS Reviews?

179 days left for the birthday of QLS Reviews.

What is the zodiac sign of QLS Reviews?

His zodiac sign is Virgo.

How tall are you QLS Reviews?

QLS Reviews measure 1.8m (5′9″) of height.

Where it is QLS Reviews?

QLS Reviews born in Fifth Normal, Santiago, Chili.

The OnlyFans of QLS Reviews

According to our searches QLS Reviews does not have an account onlyfans or similar alternatives.

The NudePack of QLS Reviews

According to our investigations QLS Reviews does not have this type of material available.

Related with QLS Reviews

Common theme: Streamer.