Know everything about Carlyn Romero: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.
Who is Carlyn Romero?
Carlyn Romero also known on social media as carlynromr, is a television host and influencer Venezuelan nationality, currently has 30 years old. was born on November 27, 1994 in Venezuela.
Lives in Chili since the year 2016 and her beginning in the country was quite difficult due to the climate and living alone far from her family, her emotional state was not the best at the beginning.
He began his career in Chilean television hosting the program "Touch Screen" of Via X eSports, where she defends the women of the gamer world with her statuesque beauty saying that «a beautiful woman can also belong to the world of video games«. His program deals with digital sports and social networks in general, such as viral videos. TikTok, which dares to replicate in each episode.
About Carlyn Romero
These are some of your most relevant personal data.
- Real name: Carlyn Romero
- Alias carlynromr
- place of birth Venezuela
- Place of residence: Chili
- Birthday: 277 days left
- Birthdate: November 27, 1994
- Current agel: 30 years old
- astronomical sign: Scorpio
- ethnicity: Latin American
- Sex: Female
- Profession: Gastronomy
- Occupation: TV presenter
- Active time: 12 years (2013-present)
- Favorite colors: Green and yellow
- Favorite food: Arepa with beans
- Favorite video games: Pepsi Man and Mario Bros
- Hobbies: Cook, sing and dance
Physical appearance
- Height: 1.65m
- Eye color: Browns
- Hair color: dark brown
- Skin color: brunette white
Social networks
The official accounts of Carlyn Romero are:
Carlyn Romero Videos
Photos of Carlyn Romero
Related with Carlyn Romero
Common theme: Cheerleader.