Know everything about Alexandra Botez: Date of birth, full name, curiosities, official social networks, likes, personal data, physical characteristics, pack, photos, videos and more.
Who Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Valeria Botez better known on social networks as Alexandra Botez either Miss Botez, is a professional chess player and influencer of Canadian nationality. currently has 29 years old. was born on September 24, 1995 in vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

The athlete is an International Master of Women's chess and has won several online and in-person chess tournaments. Alexandra He is also a popular online personality in the chess space, where he live streams games and tournaments on his channel. twitch and Youtube together with his sister Andrea Botez. She is also known for her activism and advocacy for women's chess and gender inclusion in the sport.
At age 12, she became the Canadian under-18 women's chess champion, and then 2010, won the title of Canadian women's under-20 champion. He has been a member of the Canadian chess team on numerous occasions, representing his country in international events such as the Chess Olympiads and the Pan American Chess Championship.
About Alexandra Botez
These are some of your most relevant personal data.
- Real name: Alexandra Valeria Botez
- Alias: Alexandra Botez, MissBotez
- Place of birth: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Place of residence: Dallas, Texas, United States
- Birthday: 181 days left
- Current age: 29 years
- Birthdate: 24 September 1995
- astronomical sign: Pound
- Origin: North American
- Sex: Female
- Occupation: Chess player, Influencer, YouTuber
Contact Alexandra Botez
- E-mail: [email protected]
Physical appearance
- Height: 1.72m (5′6″)
- Weight: 60kg (132lb)
- Eye color: Browns
- Hair color: dark brown
- Skin color: White
Social networks
The official accounts of Alexandra Botez are:
Videos of Alexandra Botez
These are some of his most popular videos on Youtube.
Photos of Alexandra Botez
These are some of his most recent photographs.

Frequent questions
What is the real name of Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Valeria Botez
How old are you Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Botez has 29 years old.
What is the date of birth of Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Botez was born on September 24, 1995.
When is the birthday of Alexandra Botez?
181 days left for the birthday of Alexandra Botez.
What is the zodiac sign of Alexandra Botez?
His zodiac sign is Pound.
how tall are you Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Botez measure 1.72m (5′6″) of height.
how much does it weigh Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Botez weight 60kg (132lb).
Where it is Alexandra Botez?
Alexandra Botez born in vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The OnlyFans of Alexandra Botez
According to our searches Alexandra Botez does not have an account onlyfans or similar alternatives.
The NudePack of Alexandra Botez
According to our investigations Alexandra Botez does not have this type of material available.
Related with Alexandra Botez
Common theme: Chess player.